Swim Ulster Development Gala 1

Just to clarify a few points on this gala:

On reading the gala information it all may sound a bit complicated.  However, the basic idea is that there will now be much more focus on swimmers’ technique and correct strokes.  Medals will still be awarded for first, second and third place but in order for a swimmer to graduate to the next level of Swim Ulster Galas, (Qualifying Gala), he/she must have correct stroke and streamlining techniques.  These techniques will be assessed by designated coaches during the Individual Medley events at Development galas.

100M Freestyle kick, this is a “freestyle kick with board” event, as swimmers do in training.  Boards will be provided.  Swim Ulster Andrew Reid is to send more information to coaches about this event.

Relays – Relays are Open (any age) and mixed – 2 boys and 2 girls.  Although it is not a medalled event swimmers will always enjoy relays so please consider staying on for them.

Individual Medley – 11 years.  Some of you may have noticed on the Programme of Events that 11 year olds are down as eligible for both 100M and 200M I.M’S.  This has been queried and 11 year olds can swim either Individual Medley event.

There is a new Breifne Gala Entry Form on the Upcoming Gala page, which shows what information should be sent with entries.  It is not essential to use the actual form but please supply requested information.  If a swimmer does not have a time for a particular event, put NT.  Swimmers from one family can enter on one form.

Reminder that entries should reach gala secretary by Friday 16 September at 9.00 am.